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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I cancel my Academy membership?
> 1 Click the upper-right corner where your profile icon is. > 2 Click "Manage Subscriptions" > 3 Click "Cancel". You are all set.
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee? How can I get my refund?
Full refunds will be granted if the following criteria is honored: - You have contacted [email protected] before 14 days after enrollment. - You have not downloaded more than 6 PDFs in total. Please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line "14 Day Refund"
Will my 1-year membership renew automatically?
No, renewal on 1-year memberships is not automatic. By the time your membership expires we are most likely going to have an App, and your membership should be re-activated through there. Now, here is the good news: The price of your membership will be the same as the one you first enrolled with!
My payment card is not accepted. Why?
Sadly, we do not have control over the payment process. If your card was refused, please try with another card or with a Paypal account (if it's a yearly membership).
Can I cancel my membership and re-enroll at the same sale price?
Unfortunately not. For example: If you enroll at $12/month, and you cancel your membership, the next time you enroll it will be a $40 monthly payment. In fewer words, take advantage of the special membership sale :)
Can I pay with PayPal?
Yes! However the platform only allows us to receive a single payment from PayPal. Therefore we habilitated the annual plan.
Is the content going to be available on my phone/tablet or is it just for desktop?
The content suits all devices, but keep in mind that we are developing our own App in which the user experience will be enhanced and you'll get to keep the same membership deal for it ;)
Can I download the videos?
The SM Academy resources are delivered entirely as a digital product with no recoverability once they are downloaded. Hence, we have limited downloads to certain resources only, to ensure a fair use of the material.
I can't see the downloadable resources on mobile. How should I do it?
We recommend to download all the files through a desktop for a better user experience. However, if you'd like to download them on your phone please make sure you have previously downloaded the Excel App.
I have a different issue. Where can I contact you?
Please send us an email at [email protected] and we will do our best to help you in the quickest way possible.